Sunday, November 9, 2008

A bit about me

Well i have always been the type of person to cheat runescape or find out about it anyway ( i will tell you about this some other time ).Well i have been playing for a couple of year and i am level 92. Here are some of my stats

Rune hq quest guide for help

Rune hq is an amazing runscape site for quest help just go to the link below and click on a quest you want and can do .

Saturday, November 8, 2008

New runescape Halloween gear

Yay the new runescape halloween is here dilivering goods such as hard candy and other sweet treats such as the new halloween gear .The new halloween outfit constists of legs chest and cape .You can get these items by doing some chores for a witch south west of falador .Good luck !

Friday, November 7, 2008

First things first

Well some of you out there haven't yet discouvered runescape so this is for you.
i think most of you online gamers out there would enjoy this game even though it gets a bit frustrating some times but hopefully this site will fix that. any all you need to do is go to and click the create a free account.Fill in some forms like what you want your account to be called the youll be on your way .

welcome to runscape support

Yay the first post . This site is going to be about runescape . There are 5 main subjects such as pking (people killing) ,updates to runscape and how to take conrol of them , items ,leveling ,and allthe rest of the stuff .Hopefully this site will get bigger as more stuff is added so injoy >.<